Quest For The Fridge 8 ‹‹ First ‹ Prev Next › Last ›› ‹‹ First ‹ Prev Next › Last ›› Cervelet July 9, 2020 It does take a Celia to try to literally make a mac guffin. (for those who don’t know, it is an object that is the goal for the quest of the characters. What object it exactly is plays little role.) Archive Cast Support Us Patreon Fur Affinity DeviantArt Picarto Piczel YouTube Fandom Other KC Comics Paprika Caribbean Blue Practice Makes Perfect Rascals The Eye of Ramalach Las Lindas Knighthood Addictive Science Tina of the South Knuckle Up Kemono Cafe Stories Katbox Inn Bethellium Ultra Rosa Caught in Orbit The Chronicles of Huxcyn Wildly Normal Addictive Magic Bubblegum Spirit Animal